MSME Registration​

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the major GDP contributors in India. India has a dedicated ministry for the welfare and development of the MSME sector and receives applications for the registration of businesses as MSMEs, based on certain scheduled criteria.

Registration of a business entity as one of the Micro, Small or Medium enterprises makes the business entity eligible for several Government-funded benefits. Some of them include collateral free credits from banks, 50% subsidy on patent filings for Micro and Small enterprises, subsidies for industrial promotion, interest on delayed account receivables as mandated by the Supreme Court of India, subsidies on electricity bills, and reimbursement of certification fee for receiving ISO certifications to increase their global competitiveness.

Team Staava^ with its industry experts is always prepared to assist clients in registering their businesses with the Ministry for MSMEs through assistance in the preparation of documentation including application forms, financial statements, and other requisite documents.

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